Events, Community Susan McCormac Events, Community Susan McCormac


JETAANY Craft Night: Origami Crane “Foldraiser”

Thursday, August 15 from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.

Bryant Park

Admission: Free

You may know Sadako Sasaki as the young victim of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima whose story was immortalized in the children's novel Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Recently, a statue of Sadako was stolen from Seattle's Peace Park. Several groups have launched a campaign to raise funds to replace the statue and are also encouraging others to host "foldraisers" to supply strings of paper cranes to decorate the park until a new statue can be installed.

Fold these beautiful symbols of peace with the JET Alumni Association of New York and reflect on Sadako's moving story.

This event is FREE, and registration is not required. Origami paper will be supplied, but you are welcome to bring your own (approximately 6x6 in).

Follow JETAANY’s Facebook event page for exact location and updates.

To learn more about Sadako’s story, purchase Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes from and support your local bookstore.

Disclosure: The author serves on the board of the Japanese American Association of New York.

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