Events, Arts & Entertainment Susan McCormac Events, Arts & Entertainment Susan McCormac

Rakugo at Japan Village

Rakugo, a traditional Japanese storytelling art, comes to Japan Village

Discover the Art of Rakugo!

Sunday, February 16 from 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Japan Village – 934 3rd Avenue (2nd Floor), Brooklyn

Admission: Free

Japan Village and the English Rakugo Association present rakugo this Sunday in The Loft on the second floor.

What Is Rakugo?

Rakugo, a traditional art of Japanese storytelling with a 400-year-old history, features a lone rakugoka (storyteller) performing on a koza, a small, slightly elevated platform on a stage. Seated on a zabuton (cushion), the storyteller uses only a sensu (folding fan) and tenugui (hand towel) as props. This minimalist staging emphasizes the performer's storytelling skills.

Through quick voice changes, expressive facial expressions, and slight head turns, the rakugoka brings multiple characters to life—whether it's a hilarious comedy, a heartwarming tale, or a dramatic story. The punchline, or ochi, gives rakugo its name: “Rakugo” literally means “fallen words,” with the “fall” being the comedic twist at the end of the story that is characterized by clever wordplay.

Rakugo in English

In the 1980s, Katsura Shijaku wowed audiences in the U.S. and Canada by performing rakugo in English, gaining international recognition and helping to introduce this traditional Japanese art form to global audiences. At Japan Village, Kanariya Eisho will perform, showcasing how the English Rakugo Association uses the art form not only to share Japanese culture but also as an entertaining and creative way to help storytellers sharpen their English communication skills.

For more information about the English Rakugo Association, please visit their website.

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